NGC 7293 - Helix Nebula

The Helix Nebula (also known in some circles as the “Eye of Sauron” or the “Eye of God”) is a planetary nebula about 650 light-years from Earth in the constellation of Aquarius. It is estimated to be around 10,000 years old, and contains lots of little solar-system sized “cometary knots,” or clumps of denser material, which are thought to be the result of Rayleigh-Taylor instability. The low density, high expansion velocity ionized inner nebula is accelerating the denser, slowly expanding, largely neutral material which had been shed earlier when the star was on the Asymptotic Giant Branch stage of stellar evolution.

October 3, 2024

Still trying to get things dialed in on the new telescope. I’ve gotten collimation pretty dang close (and the scope holds it well, even though I bring it in and out every night!), however I’m still trying to dial-in my flats and guiding hasn’t been great. I had to toss 60 frames (3 hours) due to poor guiding. I’ve recalibrated guiding settings in the ASIAIR+, but for whatever reason, guiding seems to fluctuate between about .5” RMS for a good period, and then be over 1” RMS some time later, so I’m not certain the issue. Focus is good and the guide scope is well aligned to the main scope FOV, (though sometimes the software selects what appears to be a less than ideal star, but it doesn’t seem to make much difference which star it selects). Only thing I can think is there’s some other, more detailed guiding settings I haven’t sorted out yet. (1s exp, gain 240, RA/DEC correction at 20%… maybe those need adjustment?) It’s a bit frustrating to toss out so many subs… you never want to waste clear skies!

Technical Details

Imaging Telescope: Orion Optics IDEAL 8

Imaging Camera: ZWO ASI533MC Pro

Mount: Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro

Filter: Antlia Tri-band RGB Ultra Filter - 2” Mounted

Accessories: ZWO ASIAIR Plus, ZWO EAF

Software: PixInsight, Photoshop, NoiseXterminator, Starnet, BlurXterminator

Guiding Telescope: SVBony SV106 60mm Guide Scope

Guiding Camera: ZWO ASI174MM

Imaging Dates: Sep. 30/Oct. 1, 2024

Frames (gain 101.0) f/4.9 -10c: 140x180” (7h)

Integration Time: 7h

Darks/Flats/Dark Flats: 30/30/30

Bortle Dark-Sky Scale: 5.00


C56 - Skull Nebula


IC342 - Hidden Galaxy