NGC2175 - Monkeyhead Nebula NGC1893 - Tadpole Nebula C12 - Fireworks Galaxy NGC2403 C23 - Silver Sliver Galaxy M33 - Triangulum Galaxy Caldwell19 - The Cocoon Nebula NGC1491 - Fossil Footprint NGC7380 - Wizard Nebula NGC281 - The Pacman Nebula M74 - Phantom Galaxy NGC6888 - Crescent Nebula M77 - Squid Galaxy C56 - Skull Nebula NGC7293 - Helix Nebula IC342 - Hidden Galaxy NGC7331 M27 - Dumbbell Nebula M31 - Andromeda Galaxy NGC7635 - Lobster Claw and Bubble Nebulae DWB111 - Propeller Nebula NGC7000 and IC5070 - North America and Pelican Nebulae Cygnus Loop NGC7822 - Cosmic Question Mark IC1396 - Elephant Trunk Nebula M8 and M20 - Lagoon and Trifid Nebulae Eagle and Swan Nebula Mosaic Caldwell4 - Iris Nebula LDN1235 - Dark Shark Nebula M51 - Whirlpool Galaxy Caldwell3 M101 - Pinwheel Galaxy Markarian's Chain M106 and Friends IC2177 - The Seagull Nebula NGC2170 - Angel Nebula M81-M82 and Friends C31 - Flaming Star Nebula Jellyfish Nebula and Monkeyhead Nebula Mosaic Orion's Belt to Orion's Sword NGC 2264 - Cone Nebula Caldwell49 - Rosette Nebula IC1848 - Soul Nebula IC1805 - Heart Nebula M42 - Orion Nebula IC2118 - Witch Head Nebula M45 - The Pleiades IC5070 - The Pelican Nebula NGC6910 - The Sadr Region NGC1499 - The California Nebula NGC7000 - The North America Nebula NGC6992 - The Eastern Veil Nebula NGC6960 - The Witch's Broom Nebula